Smart key-management solutions for property managers Blog12
July 31, 2020Smart key-management solutions for property managers Blog12
Smart key-management solutions for property managers Blog12
Locked out of your own home? Not again! Blog11
There’s more to Locksmiths than just “Keys” Blog10
A life of ease no more keys Blog9
Getting a padlock? Here’s what you should know Blog8
Going keyless? Here’s what you should know Blog7
The right time to pick the right locksmith Blog6
Re-keying vs changing locks Blog5
Who is at your door? Blog4
Double-cylinder deadbolts: Pros and Cons Blog3
5 tips to help keep your home from being burgled Blog2
Burglary or Robbery what’s the difference? Blog1
Stop lugging around a heavy key chain.
Are you still lugging around a heavy keychain with all your keys on it? Locking yourself out of the house? Forgetting your keys and having to back in the house everytime you start on an errand?
Make life easy. Install outside and garage keypad door locks. Locking and unlocking is just an easy code. No jangly piles of keys needed. Plus, you don’t have to worry about who you loaned a key to over the years. Just wipe out any guest codes you created and start over. It may seem a small thing, but these little things can really make life easier. Plus, being locked out at 2am in the cold is NOT a small thing.
6 random things that could go undetected and cost you money
We could go on, but you get the point. When you’re away from home, there are just an endless list of things that could go wrong that could seriously damage your property, especially if they go undetected for any extended period.
Why wait until you get home to discover something is a miss. Consider a home monitoring system that includes video camera that enable you to use an app to check in as often as you like so you check in at any time to see that everything is ok at home. Locksmiths do more than make keys. Certified locksmith can offer a wide array of home monitoring systems.
What is the value to you, a commercial property owner, in having a service contract with a locksmith?
Locksmith services aren’t always top of mind for the manager of a commercial property. They are sort of like the fire department: you call them when something goes wrong. But does that make good economic sense? Those emergency calls are billed at premium rates, especially the after hours ones. And you’re not top priority if they are busy with a client they have services contract with.
Arranging a service contract with a certified locksmith can really help your bottom line. You get a predictable monthly fee, become top priority in an emergency, and you do away with premium priced calls. In addition, you may save money because services contract may include routine maintenance checks, so potential problems and liabilities can be discovered and repaired before they break and create troubles for you or your tenants.
Who has yours keys?
Have you recently bought a new house? Have you been in your house for a long while and given keys to neighbors or relatives for various reasons?
It may be time to think about re-keying your external doors. Have unknown people out there with a copy of your house key isn’t an ideal situation. If you know you’ve given out a key, it can be an awkward conversation to ask for it back. If you recently bought your house, the previous owners, their relatives, and even your new neighbors may have keys.
The simpler solution is to contact a certified locksmith to have the house re-keyed and be done with it
P.S. When you do this, consider getting keyless door locks that use coded keypads for entry. That will end the “who has keys” question forever.
The latest in theft: Stealing packages from the front door.
Every new invention or advancement in technology offer new opportunities. The opportunity to improve our lives as well as the opportunity to develop new criminal activities. The internet has brought us online shopping and front door deliveries. And that means packages just waiting for a thief. One thief was caught with 30 packages in his car: he had simply followed a delivery truck around the neighborhood.
Locksmiths don’t just replace door locks and lost keys. They offer a full line of home security systems. One option for the heavy online shopper is a home monitoring camera. Check your front door when a package is being delivered so you can arrange for it to be put inside your house ASAP. Signs that the area is under camera surveillance can go a long way to deter thieves.
Getting locked out of your car is such a frustrating feeling. You can see the key sitting there in the ignition or on the seat and there is nothing to do about it. So near and yet so far. You may think you have to have the car towed to the dealer, or find a ride to and from a dealership to get a new coded key. Not true. There a certified mobile locksmiths who have trucks and vans fully equipped for travelling to onsite situations like yours. Just be sure you get an estimate over the phone and ask if they are certified and licensed.
Outsourcing your property’s lock and security issues
With the expansion of tools that use the internet to connect, home protection and monitoring has taken a dramatic shift. Home security has gone past the old days of wires and sensors that alarmed in case of fire, smoke, water or an intruder. Now you can be an active participant in the oversight of your property, as well as over those who care for it while you are away. Internet connectivity of camera and sound devices allows you to use your phone to check for packages left at the front door or verify that the dog walker showed up on time and stayed for the entire hour they billed you for. Take a look in the kitchen to be sure you turned off the stove.
There are so many new ways you can feel secure that your home and valuables “stay safe” when you’re away.
Talked to a certified locksmith about the latest technology for home and personal security.
When you were a kid, you were afraid of the ghosties and imps that snuck around at night, often hiding under the bed. But once morning came, they all disappeared and so did your fears. When it comes to home security, we often stick with this nighttime gremlin model of home security. We remember to lock all the doors at night, set the alarm, and worry that this is when the burglars are going to sneak in. In reality, most home thefts occur when the owners are away. (A.K.A. daytime). Most thieves don’t want to run into a homeowner, so when everyone is at work or school is primetime for break-ins, Consequently, you really should be focusing on security tools that address daytime security. No one ever forgets to lock the door at bedtime, but when they run out of the house rushing to work, the garage door gets left open, or the front door unlocked. Locksmiths can introduce you to new technology that allows you to check your locks from your smartphone, monitor via cam the outside or inside of your house and even turn lights and audio equipment on and off throughout the day to make the house appear to be inhabited. With new technology, there are innumerable tools to make sure your house is protected when it is most vulnerable: during the quiet emptiness of the daytime. The reality about those monsters under the bed? They’re actually waiting there until you leave for work.
Contact us at Valley Cycle Locksmiths
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Every business owner carries insurance to cover losses due to theft and vandalism. What an odd approach. Why not try to prevent the crimes before they happen? Locksmiths don’t just make keys. Many certified locksmiths also offer ongoing maintenance plans whereby they routinely check your entire security arrangement for wear and tear, and fix things before they break. You don’t wait for a tire to blow out on the road at 60mph. You replace it the minute wear appears. The same should be true of your property. Door closers, alarm systems, locks on windows and doors all eventually break. A maintenance arrangement can replace or update before something breaks. It also can be a more affordable approach. Calls for emergency repairs are usually charged at premium rates, especially if they occur at off hours. Consider revising your after-the-fact approach to property security.
Contact us at Valley Cycle Locksmiths
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An awful lot of theft and crime isn’t planned out. It comes from opportunity. If you have a commercial property or your own business, you are too busy running things to constantly be checking that doors are locking properly, windows are locked shut, and automatic door closers are working properly. That is why relying on a break/fix model for property security isn’t a good idea. If a door part fails or malfunctions, your property is unsecured until you notice it or a tenant reports it. That approach creates opportunity for theft or other crimes. Instead, consider taking out an ongoing maintenance contract that provides ongoing repairs and spot checks to catch possible malfunctions and breakage from wear before a problem occurs. You can’t be constantly checking for problems. Instead, look at an ongoing way to prevent issues before they occur.
Contact us at Valley Cycle Locksmiths
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If you are familiar with the Internet of Things you may already be aware of the new level of convenience it offers to home and business security.
Security used to mean hardwired contacts that set off an alarm if a circuit was broken and a lot of heavy deadbolts that needed extra keys. Now, with the arrival of the Internet of Things security and comfort can be handled from afar via your smartphone or laptop. The Internet of Things refers to the ability of “things” to talk across the Internet to other “things.” Specifically, while at the beach you can check to see if you locked the front door. You can let the neighbor kid in once a day at noon to feed the cat while you’re at work, then re-lock the door when she leaves. You can get an alarm to detect water in your basement and you can bring up a cam to take a look at your entire property. Furnace fails while you’re on a winter getaway? You can find out and arrange a repair before all the pipes freeze.
Locksmiths are in business to offer security for you, your home and your property. Ask for an evaluation to learn about new opportunities to keep everything in your life more secure. Want to learn more about one of these great Mul-T-Lock devices? Visit and learn more.
Contact us at Valley Cycle Locksmiths
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Locking your key in the car makes you feel so totally helpless. You can see it, but you can’t get to it.
Here are 4 tricks to use to avoid this happening to you.
For these and other tips, contact your local locksmith at . Visit for more information.
Contact us at Valley Cycle Locksmiths
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Today’s blog is a simple one. It is a basic reminder about your home and vacation security. It is a good idea to take a few steps so that it is less noticeable to the casual observer that your house is empty for an extended period.
Here are 5 small changes you can make that will have a big impact
These are 5 quick tips that take very little time but eliminate the biggest signs to everyone that you’ve left town for a while.
Contact us at Valley Cycle Locksmiths
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This blog today is about both plain old convenience and moving into the new century. Remembering to carry your keys in all cases is just a pain. Clear and simple. Sure, when you leave for work you remember to take your keys, but when you step out of the house on a whim you often forget. Got to take the dog for a quick break, go for a jog, or mow the lawn? Who remembers to take a key or wants to carry it along. Get yourself some real convenience and get rid of the house key FOR. EVER. Keyless entry pad technology means you never need to carry along a set of keys, and will never lock yourself out of the house again.
Contact Valley Cycle Locksmiths for more information on how to enable this in your home. Visit to learn more.
Contact us at Valley Cycle Locksmiths
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When you buy a car, you don’t just run it and hope for the best. You change the oil, do periodic inspections, check the tires for wear and air pressure. It is an ongoing effort, but it is necessary for your own safety and to protect the large investment you made in the vehicle. You don’t want something to go wrong at 70mph.
Security for your business should be handled in the same way. You don’t just install alarms on the windows, fire detectors and some automatic door closers and then forget about it. These systems need to be checked and maintained to be sure they are in working order for whenever they are needed. If this isn’t done, you may only discover that something has malfunctioned after a theft or disaster has occurred. Security is an ongoing commitment and the best way to approach this is to have a term maintenance contract that provides routine inspections and checks on all aspects of your security. This will help prevent breakdowns and protect the investment you made in your firm’s security.
Contact us at Valley Cycle Locksmiths
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Looking at physical security for your business or rental/commercial property as something that you fix when it breaks isn’t good for security. 24 hours and 7 days a week, people are accessing your buildings. Because of all that wear and tear, eventually a door will jam open, a door closer will fail, a window will get stuck midway. Most likely, a resident or tenant will fail to report it. As a result, until it is reported or you notice the problem, your own business security and/or your tenant’s security is compromised. This is bad for you because you are potentially responsible for any failure to keep your sites secure. However, there is a solution.
Consider using an ongoing security maintenance contract with a certified locksmith. This maintenance contract can include routine inspections of all access and egress points to ensure that everything is in working order, and that moving parts are checked for wear and replaced before a problem arises. Security is something that needs to be handled on a proactive basis. After-the-fact repairs are a bad business model for you and your property.
Contact us at Valley Cycle Locksmiths
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Say “locksmith” and everyone thinks “keys.” Yes, locksmiths make keys, but that isn’t really what locksmithing is all about. Keys are just metal things that have a broader purpose: making something or someone secure. Locksmiths are all about making you and your property secure. Using a key is just one method to accomplish that. As a result, the locksmith profession is about making you secure, not making you a key. In the 21st century, security involves technology, the Internet, and a variety of very sophisticated tools to protect you and your property. All of these are part of the locksmith’s toolkit. Locksmiths can provide complete security audits for your home or business and provide a wide range of solutions that involve a broad range of technologies. And security isn’t just about preventing a break-in. Security can involve fire alerts, water alerts, cold temp alerts: all things that can damage your property but have nothing to do with the actions of people with criminal intentions. So look to a locksmith as a security consultant for all of your ongoing security needs.
Contact us at Valley Cycle Locksmiths
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Most homeowners are aware they should try to make their house look as if someone is living there when they go on vacation. They should be using timers, cutting off deliveries, having the lawn mowed, etc. These efforts are important for deterring opportunistic break ins. However, there are other things to consider when you are away.
Unnecessary electrical usage – There is no need to continue to power some of your electronics while you are away. Your set top boxes, microwaves, and televisions are all things that drain small amounts of power even when not being actively used. If you are going to be away for an extended period, consider unplugging some of these items. This saves money, cuts the risk of fire, and makes the world just a tiny bit “greener.”
Temperature control – Adjust the thermostat. There’s no need to heat or cool the house to ideal human specs while you are away. In winter, lower the temp to save energy, but be sure to keep it high enough to avoid frozen pipes in case of a real arctic surge. In summer, raise the AC to cut utility costs but enough to keep humidity levels in the house at tolerable levels to avoid mold growth.
Water – This is the biggest potential source of damage. A broken water connection to a washing machine or frozen pipe could create a flood of unthinkable proportions. Imagine days of unchecked water pouring from a broken pipe. Consider turning your water off at the main (usually found in your basement). By the way, if you do this, also turn off the electric ice maker in your fridge. Icemakers often are not designed to stop trying to function if the water source is cut off.
These are 3 basic DIY tips regarding utilities when you go away. For more sophisticated and secure tools for addressing these concerns, talk to a locksmith about cam technologies that allow you to visually check your property from anywhere. There are also tools that can alert you to temperature extremes in the building or water leak detection and auto shutoff systems.
Contact us at Valley Cycle Locksmiths
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Today’s blog talks about that mess of keys you have on your belt, in your purse, or hanging on the nest of hooks inside the basement door. It’s a pain to carry around or rifle through when you need a particular key. There is another problem with all those keys. Keys are easily stolen or lost; if they get lost with your ID, your house becomes a bunch of open doors.
Maybe it is time to realize that keeping a mess of keys is akin to still using a rotary phone. Technology has moved on; security is now more convenient and it also allows for greater security. Make an appointment to talk with a locksmith: there are so many new ways to handle security and access that don’t require a physical key. For example, new door locks can be accessed via entry pads that require a personal code. Most allow many individual codes that can be deleted or changed as needed. No more giving a key to a neighbor when you go away. Just add a new code for them to use while you are gone, and delete it when you return. Beyond the keyless entry pads, new smartphone apps can unlock your door when you approach the house. You don’t even need to remember a code if you don’t want to.
Check with a locksmith to learn how you can take your household security out of the 17th century. Like to see a specific example? Check out ENTR, a keyless lock from Mul-T-lock that can be accessed by smartphone, keypad, and biometrics (fingerprint).
Contact us at Valley Cycle Locksmiths
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Garage door craziness: Part II
Sometimes lockouts happen that could have very easily been avoided. One thing we’ve seen is that homeowners who don’t like carrying a lot of keys rely solely on their automatic garage door openers as the only method of getting into the house. An easy idea. Why bother with the other keys? This idea falls flat if you come home to a power outage. You either have to wait it out or get a locksmith.
Also, we don’t recommend you ever leave a spare car key inside the car itself. If the car is stolen and there is any piece of mail or other items, such as an owner registration card with your address on it, the thief not only has your car, he has access to your house. The same risk to home security occurs anytime you ever use valet parking.So, take the extra step and carry a house key. It will save you a hassle when the summer storms come along and knock out the power.
And don’t forget to return the favor whenever they are away.
Contact us at Valley Cycle Locksmiths
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Keys and neighbors
Forgetting your key can be SUCH a frustrating feeling. You feel so hopeless as you stand there realising what you’ve done. Before it happens again, consider giving keys to neighbors that you trust. This idea has a lot of merits to it.
The key is safe in someone’s home, unlike keys hidden in fake rocks or under doormats that are pretty easy to find. ( Please, don’t do this. Fake rocks look…fake. And what intruder isn’t going to check under the mat or over the door frame?)
Friends or neighbors with keys can also be helpful beyond lockout crises. Have someone you trust check the house periodically if you are going to be away for an extended period. This way, a broken pipe, failed furnace in winter, or other mishap won’t go unnoticed and leave you with a huge mess when you get home. Similarly, ask them to check for packages and mail. Anything left outside is nothing but a big “VACANT” sign on your home.
And don’t forget to return the favor whenever they are away.
Contact us at Valley Cycle Locksmiths
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Different doors, different locks
If you are looking to keep your home as secure as you can, make sure that every lock is appropriate to the door style you have. Every external door should have a solid, heavy duty deadbolt that is resistant to drilling or hammering.
In particular, if you have an external door with windows, you have a specific security issue because the glass can be easily broken, allowing an intruder to reach through and unlock the door. In this case, you should have a deadbolt that has some kind of removable thumbturn or key.
When the turn or key is removed, the deadbolt cannot be opened. (Note: be sure that the key is kept nearby in case of the need for an emergency exit, but not within reach of a thief’s hand. Too often homeowners place them on a nail or hook right near the deadbolt.
As a final note, contrary to what one might think, front doors are frequently the door used for break-ins. Don’t assume that door is protected just because it is more visible.
Contact us at Valley Cycle Locksmiths
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Garage Door Craziness: Don’t do this!
Today, we’re talking about automatic garage door openers. All too often, homeowners assume that because their garage door relies on a remote to open the door, this particular entrance to the house is secure. As a result, they assume they either don’t have to place a lock on the door from the garage into the house, or they never need to lock the door. Why bother, since no one can open the garage door?
Think twice. There are cases of other signals causing doors to open. While this is uncommon, why take the chance? A bigger risk is a hurried homeowner forgets to hit the remote to close the door as they rush away. Or perhaps they forget that all automatic garage doors are required by regulation to have lasers that stop them from closing if anything blocks the way. We’ve seen blowing snow or leaves trigger the door to re-open as the car is driving away.
The takeaway? Get a solid deadbolt put on the door into your house and use it. It doesn’t take much to add this simple layer of security.
Contact us at Valley Cycle Locksmiths
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Keys – time to move on?
Keys can be a pain. You lose them, you give them to a partner who is now an ex, or you forget to take one with you when you walk the dog. The concerns never end.
Consider replacing at least one external door lock with a keypad system. There are many different types on the market, and some now even let your phone do the locking. These have a number of advantages. The most obvious is that you almost entirely eliminate the chance of locking yourself out of the house. Clearly, this is the biggest benefit to a keyless system. However, you also add new layers of security because you can provide a different code to each person who will ever need to access your house. If, for some reason, you no longer want someone to be able to get in, you can just change the code and avoid the awkward request to “get your key back.”
Make life a little easier with a keyless system. They are an affordable investment and will make your life a lot easier.
Contact us at Valley Cycle Locksmiths
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Locksmiths and Fraud: Some cautionary thoughts
If you are in need of a locksmith, whether it’s a 24-hour on-call emergency because you’re locked out, or you are looking to re-key or add security to your home or business, be judicious in your selection.
Some things to check:
Ask for an estimate over the phone. If this is an emergency call, call someone else if it seems too low or too high.
Ask about licensing and professional registrations or membership in a professional association. If they seem to have no positive answers to these questions, look for another service.
Don’t give a credit card number over the phone as a pre-payment.
When the truck arrives, does it have the company name, location and/or telephone number marked? Be wary of unmarked service vans.
In short, don’t assume that all locksmiths are professionally trained or even legitimate. There are scammers in every field, and this business isn’t immune to them. Use common sense when appraising a service near you.
Contact us at Valley Cycle Locksmiths to learn more about our licenses and experience.
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Automotive lockout – What can be done?
Locked out of your car? In case you’ve never considered it, there are solutions beyond towing the car to a dealership. Mobile locksmiths can be the answer.
These technicians have a truck that brings along everything they need to address almost all situations. But just because they are mobile, this doesn’t mean you can be sure of their professional reputation. Mobile locksmiths, even if they don’t have a physical office, should still carry licensing in states or provinces where it is required.
The truck should carry an identifiable and specific name, including the region/city they service, and contact information.
Contact us at Valley Cycle Locksmiths
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Things that go bump in the …Day
Night may seem the more scary time of day. Goblins and ghosts and long-legged beasts populate nighttime fears, but as far as forced entry into homes, daytime remains the more likely time for a break in. Most burglars prefer to enter a home when the residents aren’t home, and that is more likely to be during the day. During the weekday, it is possible that entire stretches of houses on a street may be empty when everyone goes to work and school.
Because of this, it is important that you make sure you’ve done what you can to protect against a break-in. A trained, professional locksmith can provide you with a home evaluation and offer suggestions for improving your home’s security. From simple tips about how to make the place look “lived in,” to more secure locks and security systems, they can offer solutions to make you safer. Don’t think of locksmiths as folks who “just make keys.” They provide a full line of services.
Contact us at Valley Cycle Locksmiths for more information.
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Keeping Your Home Safe While You’re on Vacation
There are a lot of basic items that should be on your checklist when you leave your home or residence empty.
These are some small actions you can take that can ensure a higher level of security at your home while you’re away.
A professional locksmith can also give you advice on high-security locks as well as home security systems.
Contact us at Valley Cycle Locksmiths
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Saving Your Business Money with a Commercial Locksmith
If you are a property manager, you might want to evaluate how you are using locksmith services to save you time and money. With multi-tenant properties, you may be using a locksmith on an as-needed basis for re-keying, lockouts, new padlocks and deadbolts. Using these services on an ad-hoc or emergency basis can be fairly expensive. 24/7 emergency services often run higher than a scheduled service call.
The best alternative is talking to your technician about a service or maintenance contract. This would mean you are first priority for an emergency call. More importantly, it could also mean a periodic review of the property and fixing things before they become emergencies. A long-term service contract might be a good solution to the expensive “wait til it’s broken” approach
Contact us at Valley Cycle Locksmiths
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The Internet of Things and Home Security
Perhaps you’ve heard of the Internet of Things. This is where “things” become able to send data back and forth to each other. A simple example would be a coffee pot that you could turn on with your phone while you are still miles from home. The Internet of Things will impact home security in a variety of ways.
There are already keyless door locks that can be opened and locked using a mobile phone. Beyond that, security cameras can now be viewed from your laptop or mobile device. You can also install light fixtures that can be controlled with your phone. Other monitors can check the temperature of your house. Not only is this useful if you want the house to be warmed up by the time your get home after a long day, it also adds to your security. This same tool can alert you if there is a drop in temperature, so that you’d know you have a failure in your heating system long before the pipes freeze.
If you’d like to learn more about these and other devices to make your home more secure, contact a professional locksmith for a full review of the latest security technology.
Contact us at Valley Cycle Locksmiths
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Re-Keying …why?
Re-keying is a simple service you may not think you need. There are a number of reasons this might be necessary. Given how easily a good professional locksmith can re-key your locks, you might want to consider this option if it is time to make this change.
Primarily, you re-key locks whenever there is a possibility that someone, who has a key, should no longer have access to your home or apartment. A prime example: you just bought a new house. You may trust the previous owners to never try to come back, but you have no idea who they may have passed keys to over the years. Friends, in-laws, exes, or even a neighbor or two.
Also, these same issues apply to you. Perhaps over the years you’ve given neighbors keys, and they have moved or become “not-so-neighborly.” A re-key is the answer.
Another situation when you’d need to re-key a lock is a lost key. You or a child may have lost a key near your home, or it may have been lost along with identifying information. If that is the case, you should re-key immediately.
Finally, you may just be carrying too many keys. Consider re-keying a few locks so that the same key works for the front and back door. It would make your life a bit easier, but no less secure.Contact a residential locksmith for more re-keying options.
Contact us at Valley Cycle Locksmiths
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Undoubtedly, you’ve heard that social media sites like Facebook, Linkedin, etc. can be places where too much is shared, (think kitten videos) but have you thought about home security issues?
Do you or anyone else in the family announce that you are going on vacation? Do you use mapping that lets Facebook users know where you are? Do you snap pictures of your meal, so everyone knows that you are out on the town for a special dinner? All of that information is just an announcement that your place is empty. All those daily postings from Europe? They are just vacancy signs.
We don’t want to overstate the security concerns, but it is important to recognise that shared information can reach a lot of places you never intended.
If you’d like to learn more about what you can do to secure your home, contact a professional locksmith for a consultation. Locksmith’s do a lot more than make keys.
Contact us at Valley Cycle Locksmiths
Business Security: are you using home locks?
As a commercial business, it is important that you approach security differently from a homeowner. Let’s look today at one simple thing you may be doing wrong. Can your door keys be copied? If there are standard keys that can be copied at a hardware store or home improvement center, it is time for a change. There are proprietary high security locks available that make it is almost impossible for someone to get a copy if they aren’t authorized to do so.
There are also excellent systems for controlling key access. These limit the use of a specific key to users who have an access code. Each user has to enter an authorized code to retrieve a key. This helps cut down on inappropriate access. If you’d like to learn more about the innovative solutions to increase your business security, contact a professional commercial locksmith.
Contact us at Valley Cycle Locksmiths
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Locksmith services – More than a spare key
We’re pretty sure everyone’s image of a locksmith is a dusty storefront with peg racks all over the walls and rows upon rows of key blanks. Think again. Locksmiths offer a wide range of products and services to residential and commercial clients.
Of course, we offer many types of locks, but think outside of the keyhole. Locks now come in a variety of hi-tech iterations. Now you can be unlocking your house with your phone or tracking when every individual employee uses any key anywhere in your business. Locksmiths also offer security services. Going far beyond selling a padlock, professional locksmiths offer entire security systems that can include intercoms, cameras, and other high tech burglar alarms and protection platforms. Finally, for commercial users, consider looking beyond the “emergency” model of a locksmith. We can provide managed service contracts that ensure all of your door, window, and other security apparatus are maintained in top condition, so your need for emergency services can be cut down. Service contracts also mean that when you do need emergency lockout service, you get first priority.
Contact a commercial or residential locksmith to learn more.
Contact us at Valley Cycle Locksmiths
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Stop lugging around a heavy key chain.
Are you still lugging around a heavy keychain with all your keys on it? Locking yourself out of the house? Forgetting your keys and having to back in the house everytime you start on an errand?
Make life easy. Install outside and garage keypad door locks. Locking and unlocking is just an easy code. No jangly piles of keys needed. Plus, you don’t have to worry about who you loaned a key to over the years. Just wipe out any guest codes you created and start over. It may seem a small thing, but these little things can really make life easier. Plus, being locked out at 2am in the cold is NOT a small thing.
6 random things that could go undetected and cost you money
We could go on, but you get the point. When you’re away from home, there are just an endless list of things that could go wrong that could seriously damage your property, especially if they go undetected for any extended period.
Why wait until you get home to discover something is a miss. Consider a home monitoring system that includes video camera that enable you to use an app to check in as often as you like so you check in at any time to see that everything is ok at home. Locksmiths do more than make keys. Certified locksmith can offer a wide array of home monitoring systems.
What is the value to you, a commercial property owner, in having a service contract with a locksmith?
Locksmith services aren’t always top of mind for the manager of a commercial property. They are sort of like the fire department: you call them when something goes wrong. But does that make good economic sense? Those emergency calls are billed at premium rates, especially the after hours ones. And you’re not top priority if they are busy with a client they have services contract with.
Arranging a service contract with a certified locksmith can really help your bottom line. You get a predictable monthly fee, become top priority in an emergency, and you do away with premium priced calls. In addition, you may save money because services contract may include routine maintenance checks, so potential problems and liabilities can be discovered and repaired before they break and create troubles for you or your tenants.
Who has yours keys?
Have you recently bought a new house? Have you been in your house for a long while and given keys to neighbors or relatives for various reasons?
It may be time to think about re-keying your external doors. Have unknown people out there with a copy of your house key isn’t an ideal situation. If you know you’ve given out a key, it can be an awkward conversation to ask for it back. If you recently bought your house, the previous owners, their relatives, and even your new neighbors may have keys.
The simpler solution is to contact a certified locksmith to have the house re-keyed and be done with it
P.S. When you do this, consider getting keyless door locks that use coded keypads for entry. That will end the “who has keys” question forever.
The latest in theft: Stealing packages from the front door.
Every new invention or advancement in technology offer new opportunities. The opportunity to improve our lives as well as the opportunity to develop new criminal activities. The internet has brought us online shopping and front door deliveries. And that means packages just waiting for a thief. One thief was caught with 30 packages in his car: he had simply followed a delivery truck around the neighborhood.
Locksmiths don’t just replace door locks and lost keys. They offer a full line of home security systems. One option for the heavy online shopper is a home monitoring camera. Check your front door when a package is being delivered so you can arrange for it to be put inside your house ASAP. Signs that the area is under camera surveillance can go a long way to deter thieves.
Getting locked out of your car is such a frustrating feeling. You can see the key sitting there in the ignition or on the seat and there is nothing to do about it. So near and yet so far. You may think you have to have the car towed to the dealer, or find a ride to and from a dealership to get a new coded key. Not true. There a certified mobile locksmiths who have trucks and vans fully equipped for travelling to onsite situations like yours. Just be sure you get an estimate over the phone and ask if they are certified and licensed.
Outsourcing your property’s lock and security issues
With the expansion of tools that use the internet to connect, home protection and monitoring has taken a dramatic shift. Home security has gone past the old days of wires and sensors that alarmed in case of fire, smoke, water or an intruder. Now you can be an active participant in the oversight of your property, as well as over those who care for it while you are away. Internet connectivity of camera and sound devices allows you to use your phone to check for packages left at the front door or verify that the dog walker showed up on time and stayed for the entire hour they billed you for. Take a look in the kitchen to be sure you turned off the stove.
There are so many new ways you can feel secure that your home and valuables “stay safe” when you’re away.
Talked to a certified locksmith about the latest technology for home and personal security.
Locking your key in the car makes you feel so totally helpless. You can see it, but you can’t get to it.
Here are 4 tricks to use to avoid this happening to you.
For these and other tips, contact your local locksmith at . Visit for more information.
Contact us at Valley Cycle Locksmiths
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Today’s blog is a simple one. It is a basic reminder about your home and vacation security. It is a good idea to take a few steps so that it is less noticeable to the casual observer that your house is empty for an extended period.
Here are 5 small changes you can make that will have a big impact
These are 5 quick tips that take very little time but eliminate the biggest signs to everyone that you’ve left town for a while.
Contact us at Valley Cycle Locksmiths
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When you buy a car, you don’t just run it and hope for the best. You change the oil, do periodic inspections, check the tires for wear and air pressure. It is an ongoing effort, but it is necessary for your own safety and to protect the large investment you made in the vehicle. You don’t want something to go wrong at 70mph.
Security for your business should be handled in the same way. You don’t just install alarms on the windows, fire detectors and some automatic door closers and then forget about it. These systems need to be checked and maintained to be sure they are in working order for whenever they are needed. If this isn’t done, you may only discover that something has malfunctioned after a theft or disaster has occurred. Security is an ongoing commitment and the best way to approach this is to have a term maintenance contract that provides routine inspections and checks on all aspects of your security. This will help prevent breakdowns and protect the investment you made in your firm’s security.
Contact us at Valley Cycle Locksmiths
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Say “locksmith” and everyone thinks “keys.” Yes, locksmiths make keys, but that isn’t really what locksmithing is all about. Keys are just metal things that have a broader purpose: making something or someone secure. Locksmiths are all about making you and your property secure. Using a key is just one method to accomplish that. As a result, the locksmith profession is about making you secure, not making you a key. In the 21st century, security involves technology, the Internet, and a variety of very sophisticated tools to protect you and your property. All of these are part of the locksmith’s toolkit. Locksmiths can provide complete security audits for your home or business and provide a wide range of solutions that involve a broad range of technologies. And security isn’t just about preventing a break-in. Security can involve fire alerts, water alerts, cold temp alerts: all things that can damage your property but have nothing to do with the actions of people with criminal intentions. So look to a locksmith as a security consultant for all of your ongoing security needs.
Contact us at Valley Cycle Locksmiths
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Every business owner carries insurance to cover losses due to theft and vandalism. What an odd approach. Why not try to prevent the crimes before they happen? Locksmiths don’t just make keys. Many certified locksmiths also offer ongoing maintenance plans whereby they routinely check your entire security arrangement for wear and tear, and fix things before they break. You don’t wait for a tire to blow out on the road at 60mph. You replace it the minute wear appears. The same should be true of your property. Door closers, alarm systems, locks on windows and doors all eventually break. A maintenance arrangement can replace or update before something breaks. It also can be a more affordable approach. Calls for emergency repairs are usually charged at premium rates, especially if they occur at off hours. Consider revising your after-the-fact approach to property security.
Contact us at Valley Cycle Locksmiths
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When you were a kid, you were afraid of the ghosties and imps that snuck around at night, often hiding under the bed. But once morning came, they all disappeared and so did your fears. When it comes to home security, we often stick with this nighttime gremlin model of home security. We remember to lock all the doors at night, set the alarm, and worry that this is when the burglars are going to sneak in. In reality, most home thefts occur when the owners are away. (A.K.A. daytime). Most thieves don’t want to run into a homeowner, so when everyone is at work or school is primetime for break-ins, Consequently, you really should be focusing on security tools that address daytime security. No one ever forgets to lock the door at bedtime, but when they run out of the house rushing to work, the garage door gets left open, or the front door unlocked. Locksmiths can introduce you to new technology that allows you to check your locks from your smartphone, monitor via cam the outside or inside of your house and even turn lights and audio equipment on and off throughout the day to make the house appear to be inhabited. With new technology, there are innumerable tools to make sure your house is protected when it is most vulnerable: during the quiet emptiness of the daytime. The reality about those monsters under the bed? They’re actually waiting there until you leave for work.
Contact us at Valley Cycle Locksmiths
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This blog today is about both plain old convenience and moving into the new century. Remembering to carry your keys in all cases is just a pain. Clear and simple. Sure, when you leave for work you remember to take your keys, but when you step out of the house on a whim you often forget. Got to take the dog for a quick break, go for a jog, or mow the lawn? Who remembers to take a key or wants to carry it along. Get yourself some real convenience and get rid of the house key FOR. EVER. Keyless entry pad technology means you never need to carry along a set of keys, and will never lock yourself out of the house again.
Contact Valley Cycle Locksmiths for more information on how to enable this in your home. Visit to learn more.
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An awful lot of theft and crime isn’t planned out. It comes from opportunity. If you have a commercial property or your own business, you are too busy running things to constantly be checking that doors are locking properly, windows are locked shut, and automatic door closers are working properly. That is why relying on a break/fix model for property security isn’t a good idea. If a door part fails or malfunctions, your property is unsecured until you notice it or a tenant reports it. That approach creates opportunity for theft or other crimes. Instead, consider taking out an ongoing maintenance contract that provides ongoing repairs and spot checks to catch possible malfunctions and breakage from wear before a problem occurs. You can’t be constantly checking for problems. Instead, look at an ongoing way to prevent issues before they occur.
Contact us at Valley Cycle Locksmiths
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Most homeowners are aware they should try to make their house look as if someone is living there when they go on vacation. They should be using timers, cutting off deliveries, having the lawn mowed, etc. These efforts are important for deterring opportunistic break ins. However, there are other things to consider when you are away.
Unnecessary electrical usage – There is no need to continue to power some of your electronics while you are away. Your set top boxes, microwaves, and televisions are all things that drain small amounts of power even when not being actively used. If you are going to be away for an extended period, consider unplugging some of these items. This saves money, cuts the risk of fire, and makes the world just a tiny bit “greener.”
Temperature control – Adjust the thermostat. There’s no need to heat or cool the house to ideal human specs while you are away. In winter, lower the temp to save energy, but be sure to keep it high enough to avoid frozen pipes in case of a real arctic surge. In summer, raise the AC to cut utility costs but enough to keep humidity levels in the house at tolerable levels to avoid mold growth.
Water – This is the biggest potential source of damage. A broken water connection to a washing machine or frozen pipe could create a flood of unthinkable proportions. Imagine days of unchecked water pouring from a broken pipe. Consider turning your water off at the main (usually found in your basement). By the way, if you do this, also turn off the electric ice maker in your fridge. Icemakers often are not designed to stop trying to function if the water source is cut off.
These are 3 basic DIY tips regarding utilities when you go away. For more sophisticated and secure tools for addressing these concerns, talk to a locksmith about cam technologies that allow you to visually check your property from anywhere. There are also tools that can alert you to temperature extremes in the building or water leak detection and auto shutoff systems.
Contact us at Valley Cycle Locksmiths
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If you are familiar with the Internet of Things you may already be aware of the new level of convenience it offers to home and business security.
Security used to mean hardwired contacts that set off an alarm if a circuit was broken and a lot of heavy deadbolts that needed extra keys. Now, with the arrival of the Internet of Things security and comfort can be handled from afar via your smartphone or laptop. The Internet of Things refers to the ability of “things” to talk across the Internet to other “things.” Specifically, while at the beach you can check to see if you locked the front door. You can let the neighbor kid in once a day at noon to feed the cat while you’re at work, then re-lock the door when she leaves. You can get an alarm to detect water in your basement and you can bring up a cam to take a look at your entire property. Furnace fails while you’re on a winter getaway? You can find out and arrange a repair before all the pipes freeze.
Locksmiths are in business to offer security for you, your home and your property. Ask for an evaluation to learn about new opportunities to keep everything in your life more secure. Want to learn more about one of these great Mul-T-Lock devices? Visit and learn more.
Contact us at Valley Cycle Locksmiths
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Looking at physical security for your business or rental/commercial property as something that you fix when it breaks isn’t good for security. 24 hours and 7 days a week, people are accessing your buildings. Because of all that wear and tear, eventually a door will jam open, a door closer will fail, a window will get stuck midway. Most likely, a resident or tenant will fail to report it. As a result, until it is reported or you notice the problem, your own business security and/or your tenant’s security is compromised. This is bad for you because you are potentially responsible for any failure to keep your sites secure. However, there is a solution.
Consider using an ongoing security maintenance contract with a certified locksmith. This maintenance contract can include routine inspections of all access and egress points to ensure that everything is in working order, and that moving parts are checked for wear and replaced before a problem arises. Security is something that needs to be handled on a proactive basis. After-the-fact repairs are a bad business model for you and your property.
Contact us at Valley Cycle Locksmiths
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Today’s blog talks about that mess of keys you have on your belt, in your purse, or hanging on the nest of hooks inside the basement door. It’s a pain to carry around or rifle through when you need a particular key. There is another problem with all those keys. Keys are easily stolen or lost; if they get lost with your ID, your house becomes a bunch of open doors.
Maybe it is time to realize that keeping a mess of keys is akin to still using a rotary phone. Technology has moved on; security is now more convenient and it also allows for greater security. Make an appointment to talk with a locksmith: there are so many new ways to handle security and access that don’t require a physical key. For example, new door locks can be accessed via entry pads that require a personal code. Most allow many individual codes that can be deleted or changed as needed. No more giving a key to a neighbor when you go away. Just add a new code for them to use while you are gone, and delete it when you return. Beyond the keyless entry pads, new smartphone apps can unlock your door when you approach the house. You don’t even need to remember a code if you don’t want to.
Check with a locksmith to learn how you can take your household security out of the 17th century. Like to see a specific example? Check out ENTR, a keyless lock from Mul-T-lock that can be accessed by smartphone, keypad, and biometrics (fingerprint).
Contact us at Valley Cycle Locksmiths
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This will be a short blog so we can focus on an important issue. If you use a deadbolt on an external door that requires a key to be unlocked, and that door has windows, you won’t be able to leave the key in the lock on the inside. The reason is simple: anyone can break the glass and just reach in and open the lock. As a result, homeowners remove the key and leave it someplace nearby. This is ok to do, but it is very important that key is ALWAYS stored in the same place and everyone knows where it is. If there were to be a fire, every resident needs to be able to quickly reach the key and get out. Keep it nearby in a readily accessible place that anyone can reach.
If you are thinking about upgrading the security of your home or business, you need to think “outside the lock.” It is common for home and business owners to focus on having quality door locks, deadbolts, and other entryway security. But this isn’t the whole picture. For example, a deadbolt may not be much protection if you door has glass windows. And doors aren’t the only access to a structure. First floor and basement windows can be easily broken into, and they are often not the focus of a homeowner’s security efforts. Also, a door lock is only as solid as the door it locks. Hollow core doors or weakened door frames mean a lock can be bypassed with a good solid kick. The lesson here? Locks matter, but they are only part of the picture. Ask a certified locksmith for a complete evaluation of your home security.
Intelligent door locks. The technology keeps racing along.
Looking to upgrade your entry doors with keyless technology? Not having to carry keys is a great thing, and keypad entry locks have been around for a long time. They have become considerably more sophisticated in the last few years; so if you haven’t been keeping up, there have been a lot of changes. Bluetooth technology, smartphones, and the internet of things have made door locks the techie’s dream. You can now unlock your door remotely-think letting the kids in while you are at work. You can lock the door remotely- think “did I lock up when I left?” You can give individual codes to every user and track when they were used. Best of all, some of these locks can be tied to other internet-driven technology, so unlocking the door could also turn on some lights and turn up the heat. Call a certified locksmith to learn all of the latest options.
When you are considering a locksmith, aside from making sure they are certified and licensed according to regulations in your state or province (only use a locksmith that has some form of certification or accreditation), you should be sure to learn ahead of time how you will be charged. A reliable locksmith will give you clear, specific answers to your questions.
You may have invested time and money into making sure your house is secure. Have you done the same with your garage?
Recently, we posted a blog suggesting solutions for those times when you forget your key or lock yourself out of the house. This blog is about what NOT to do. Very simply: don’t hide keys. Ever. If you can think of a place to hide it, someone else can think of that place. Under the mat, over the door frame or under a nearby planter are just right out. Those cute “fake rocks?” They look fake. In a magnetic key holder hidden under your car? We’re way ahead of you on that one.
Garage door craziness: Part II
Sometimes lockouts happen that could have very easily been avoided. One thing we’ve seen is that homeowners who don’t like carrying a lot of keys rely solely on their automatic garage door openers as the only method of getting into the house. An easy idea. Why bother with the other keys? This idea falls flat if you come home to a power outage. You either have to wait it out or get a locksmith.
Also, we don’t recommend you ever leave a spare car key inside the car itself. If the car is stolen and there is any piece of mail or other items, such as an owner registration card with your address on it, the thief not only has your car, he has access to your house. The same risk to home security occurs anytime you ever use valet parking.So, take the extra step and carry a house key. It will save you a hassle when the summer storms come along and knock out the power.
And don’t forget to return the favor whenever they are away.
Contact us at Valley Cycle Locksmiths
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Keys and neighbors
Forgetting your key can be SUCH a frustrating feeling. You feel so hopeless as you stand there realising what you’ve done. Before it happens again, consider giving keys to neighbors that you trust. This idea has a lot of merits to it.
The key is safe in someone’s home, unlike keys hidden in fake rocks or under doormats that are pretty easy to find. ( Please, don’t do this. Fake rocks look…fake. And what intruder isn’t going to check under the mat or over the door frame?)
Friends or neighbors with keys can also be helpful beyond lockout crises. Have someone you trust check the house periodically if you are going to be away for an extended period. This way, a broken pipe, failed furnace in winter, or other mishap won’t go unnoticed and leave you with a huge mess when you get home. Similarly, ask them to check for packages and mail. Anything left outside is nothing but a big “VACANT” sign on your home.
And don’t forget to return the favor whenever they are away.
Contact us at Valley Cycle Locksmiths
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Different doors, different locks
If you are looking to keep your home as secure as you can, make sure that every lock is appropriate to the door style you have. Every external door should have a solid, heavy duty deadbolt that is resistant to drilling or hammering.
In particular, if you have an external door with windows, you have a specific security issue because the glass can be easily broken, allowing an intruder to reach through and unlock the door. In this case, you should have a deadbolt that has some kind of removable thumbturn or key.
When the turn or key is removed, the deadbolt cannot be opened. (Note: be sure that the key is kept nearby in case of the need for an emergency exit, but not within reach of a thief’s hand. Too often homeowners place them on a nail or hook right near the deadbolt.
As a final note, contrary to what one might think, front doors are frequently the door used for break-ins. Don’t assume that door is protected just because it is more visible.
Contact us at Valley Cycle Locksmiths
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Garage Door Craziness: Don’t do this!
Today, we’re talking about automatic garage door openers. All too often, homeowners assume that because their garage door relies on a remote to open the door, this particular entrance to the house is secure. As a result, they assume they either don’t have to place a lock on the door from the garage into the house, or they never need to lock the door. Why bother, since no one can open the garage door?
Think twice. There are cases of other signals causing doors to open. While this is uncommon, why take the chance? A bigger risk is a hurried homeowner forgets to hit the remote to close the door as they rush away. Or perhaps they forget that all automatic garage doors are required by regulation to have lasers that stop them from closing if anything blocks the way. We’ve seen blowing snow or leaves trigger the door to re-open as the car is driving away.
The takeaway? Get a solid deadbolt put on the door into your house and use it. It doesn’t take much to add this simple layer of security.
Contact us at Valley Cycle Locksmiths
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Keys – time to move on?
Keys can be a pain. You lose them, you give them to a partner who is now an ex, or you forget to take one with you when you walk the dog. The concerns never end.
Consider replacing at least one external door lock with a keypad system. There are many different types on the market, and some now even let your phone do the locking. These have a number of advantages. The most obvious is that you almost entirely eliminate the chance of locking yourself out of the house. Clearly, this is the biggest benefit to a keyless system. However, you also add new layers of security because you can provide a different code to each person who will ever need to access your house. If, for some reason, you no longer want someone to be able to get in, you can just change the code and avoid the awkward request to “get your key back.”
Make life a little easier with a keyless system. They are an affordable investment and will make your life a lot easier.
Contact us at Valley Cycle Locksmiths
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Locksmiths and Fraud: Some cautionary thoughts
If you are in need of a locksmith, whether it’s a 24-hour on-call emergency because you’re locked out, or you are looking to re-key or add security to your home or business, be judicious in your selection.
Some things to check:
Ask for an estimate over the phone. If this is an emergency call, call someone else if it seems too low or too high.
Ask about licensing and professional registrations or membership in a professional association. If they seem to have no positive answers to these questions, look for another service.
Don’t give a credit card number over the phone as a pre-payment.
When the truck arrives, does it have the company name, location and/or telephone number marked? Be wary of unmarked service vans.
In short, don’t assume that all locksmiths are professionally trained or even legitimate. There are scammers in every field, and this business isn’t immune to them. Use common sense when appraising a service near you.
Contact us at Valley Cycle Locksmiths to learn more about our licenses and experience.
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Automotive lockout – What can be done?
Locked out of your car? In case you’ve never considered it, there are solutions beyond towing the car to a dealership. Mobile locksmiths can be the answer.
These technicians have a truck that brings along everything they need to address almost all situations. But just because they are mobile, this doesn’t mean you can be sure of their professional reputation. Mobile locksmiths, even if they don’t have a physical office, should still carry licensing in states or provinces where it is required.
The truck should carry an identifiable and specific name, including the region/city they service, and contact information.
Contact us at Valley Cycle Locksmiths
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Things that go bump in the …Day
Night may seem the more scary time of day. Goblins and ghosts and long-legged beasts populate nighttime fears, but as far as forced entry into homes, daytime remains the more likely time for a break in. Most burglars prefer to enter a home when the residents aren’t home, and that is more likely to be during the day. During the weekday, it is possible that entire stretches of houses on a street may be empty when everyone goes to work and school.
Because of this, it is important that you make sure you’ve done what you can to protect against a break-in. A trained, professional locksmith can provide you with a home evaluation and offer suggestions for improving your home’s security. From simple tips about how to make the place look “lived in,” to more secure locks and security systems, they can offer solutions to make you safer. Don’t think of locksmiths as folks who “just make keys.” They provide a full line of services.
Contact us at Valley Cycle Locksmiths for more information.
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Keeping Your Home Safe While You’re on Vacation
There are a lot of basic items that should be on your checklist when you leave your home or residence empty.
These are some small actions you can take that can ensure a higher level of security at your home while you’re away.
A professional locksmith can also give you advice on high-security locks as well as home security systems.
Contact us at Valley Cycle Locksmiths
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Saving Your Business Money with a Commercial Locksmith
If you are a property manager, you might want to evaluate how you are using locksmith services to save you time and money. With multi-tenant properties, you may be using a locksmith on an as-needed basis for re-keying, lockouts, new padlocks and deadbolts. Using these services on an ad-hoc or emergency basis can be fairly expensive. 24/7 emergency services often run higher than a scheduled service call.
The best alternative is talking to your technician about a service or maintenance contract. This would mean you are first priority for an emergency call. More importantly, it could also mean a periodic review of the property and fixing things before they become emergencies. A long-term service contract might be a good solution to the expensive “wait til it’s broken” approach
Contact us at Valley Cycle Locksmiths
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The Internet of Things and Home Security
Perhaps you’ve heard of the Internet of Things. This is where “things” become able to send data back and forth to each other. A simple example would be a coffee pot that you could turn on with your phone while you are still miles from home. The Internet of Things will impact home security in a variety of ways.
There are already keyless door locks that can be opened and locked using a mobile phone. Beyond that, security cameras can now be viewed from your laptop or mobile device. You can also install light fixtures that can be controlled with your phone. Other monitors can check the temperature of your house. Not only is this useful if you want the house to be warmed up by the time your get home after a long day, it also adds to your security. This same tool can alert you if there is a drop in temperature, so that you’d know you have a failure in your heating system long before the pipes freeze.
If you’d like to learn more about these and other devices to make your home more secure, contact a professional locksmith for a full review of the latest security technology.
Contact us at Valley Cycle Locksmiths
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Re-Keying …why?
Re-keying is a simple service you may not think you need. There are a number of reasons this might be necessary. Given how easily a good professional locksmith can re-key your locks, you might want to consider this option if it is time to make this change.
Primarily, you re-key locks whenever there is a possibility that someone, who has a key, should no longer have access to your home or apartment. A prime example: you just bought a new house. You may trust the previous owners to never try to come back, but you have no idea who they may have passed keys to over the years. Friends, in-laws, exes, or even a neighbor or two.
Also, these same issues apply to you. Perhaps over the years you’ve given neighbors keys, and they have moved or become “not-so-neighborly.” A re-key is the answer.
Another situation when you’d need to re-key a lock is a lost key. You or a child may have lost a key near your home, or it may have been lost along with identifying information. If that is the case, you should re-key immediately.
Finally, you may just be carrying too many keys. Consider re-keying a few locks so that the same key works for the front and back door. It would make your life a bit easier, but no less secure.Contact a residential locksmith for more re-keying options.
Contact us at Valley Cycle Locksmiths
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Undoubtedly, you’ve heard that social media sites like Facebook, Linkedin, etc. can be places where too much is shared, (think kitten videos) but have you thought about home security issues?
Do you or anyone else in the family announce that you are going on vacation? Do you use mapping that lets Facebook users know where you are? Do you snap pictures of your meal, so everyone knows that you are out on the town for a special dinner? All of that information is just an announcement that your place is empty. All those daily postings from Europe? They are just vacancy signs.
We don’t want to overstate the security concerns, but it is important to recognise that shared information can reach a lot of places you never intended.
If you’d like to learn more about what you can do to secure your home, contact a professional locksmith for a consultation. Locksmith’s do a lot more than make keys.
Contact us at Valley Cycle Locksmiths
Business Security: are you using home locks?
As a commercial business, it is important that you approach security differently from a homeowner. Let’s look today at one simple thing you may be doing wrong. Can your door keys be copied? If there are standard keys that can be copied at a hardware store or home improvement center, it is time for a change. There are proprietary high security locks available that make it is almost impossible for someone to get a copy if they aren’t authorized to do so.
There are also excellent systems for controlling key access. These limit the use of a specific key to users who have an access code. Each user has to enter an authorized code to retrieve a key. This helps cut down on inappropriate access. If you’d like to learn more about the innovative solutions to increase your business security, contact a professional commercial locksmith.
Contact us at Valley Cycle Locksmiths
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Locksmith services – More than a spare key
We’re pretty sure everyone’s image of a locksmith is a dusty storefront with peg racks all over the walls and rows upon rows of key blanks. Think again. Locksmiths offer a wide range of products and services to residential and commercial clients.
Of course, we offer many types of locks, but think outside of the keyhole. Locks now come in a variety of hi-tech iterations. Now you can be unlocking your house with your phone or tracking when every individual employee uses any key anywhere in your business. Locksmiths also offer security services. Going far beyond selling a padlock, professional locksmiths offer entire security systems that can include intercoms, cameras, and other high tech burglar alarms and protection platforms. Finally, for commercial users, consider looking beyond the “emergency” model of a locksmith. We can provide managed service contracts that ensure all of your door, window, and other security apparatus are maintained in top condition, so your need for emergency services can be cut down. Service contracts also mean that when you do need emergency lockout service, you get first priority.
Contact a commercial or residential locksmith to learn more.
Contact us at Valley Cycle Locksmiths
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Lost Keys – Plan for it
You know this is inevitable. At some time you or your loved ones will forget your house key or lock the car key in the trunk. Instead of thinking “it can’t happen to me,” plan ahead. Take the time to check out your local locksmiths and find a reputable one. Write down the number and put it in your wallet or mobile device, so when the time comes, you won’t be rushed into hiring just anyone.
The reason this is becoming an especially wise plan is that the internet has added a new layer of scammers. When you are searching the web for locksmiths in your area, there is a good chance that some of the “locksmiths” listed have no license or are scams disguised as locksmiths actually looking to breach your security. Don’t let yourself be a target. Make a plan for when this happens to you or another household member ahead of time.
Contact us at Valley Cycle Locksmiths
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Do you have commercial properties where you are responsible for security and use a locksmith on an on-call basis? You might consider signing a service contract with a locksmith. There are a couple of advantages to this arrangement.
1) You can eliminate very expensive emergency call fees.
2) Service contracts include routine checks on issues related to security.
That means fixing things before they become an emergency or even a liability. It ensures a safer property for both you and your clients, and that can help your bottom line in a number of ways. Contact a locksmith to discuss what a service contract might mean for you.
Locksmiths are more than just someone to get you back into your house or car. Locksmiths sell security, not just keys, so if you’re considering any type of security system to protect your property, a locksmith is the consultant who knows “all things security.” Fire detection systems, systems that detect water pipe breaks, as well as products that detect temperature changes to warn if a furnace has failed while you are away from home.
Locksmiths can also recommend camera systems and install them. With the latest phone apps, you can login in for a visual check on any part of your house and property, whenever you like. They can also recommend phone-based systems that can control door locks and even the lights in your house. Security is more than just a good door lock.
When you schedule a locksmith, ask for a home security evaluation. Are the existing locks installed appropriate for the type of door style where they are used? Are there other security issues that you should be aware of? Explore if there are additional or more up-to-date ways to handle security for your new home. Don’t just assume that the previous owners addressed security issues properly or at all. When you move is a good time to assess security for your home, including fire, water and temperature detection products. You are enjoying your new home, now keep it safe and secure.
The biggest one: use light timers. No one lives in a house with all the lights off, so when sunset comes and the house is completely dark, it is obvious that no one is home. Also, papers and mail piling up are a pretty big neon sign for a thief. Have the mail and papers turned off, and ask a neighbor to check for packages at your door every day or two. 3rd, don’t leave rakes, toys and similar things abandoned in the yard. This just shows that no one is around.
And there you have it. 3 simple things to make the house a little safer.
Coded door locks using keypads are a fantastically great new technology. There are so many reasons to upgrade.
1) No more keys to carry.
2) No more lockouts if you forget your keys.
3) No more making copies to give out to a neighbor.
4) No more awkward “asking for a key back” from someone you no longer want to have one.
Coded door locks enable you to have a different code for every potential user and to add/delete codes whenever you like. And, back to the phone, you can get apps for your phone to unlock/lock as you approach or walk away from the door. Keys are so 2000’s.
First, it is a good idea to keep the door from the garage into the house locked. If for any reason you drive away and forget to close the garage door or it catches a stray signal and decides to open on its own, you don’t want anyone to have easy access to your house.
Second, if you park in the driveway or on the street, even during the day when you are at home, make sure you have locked your car. Reason? Your remote opener is probably in plain view right there on your visor. A quick reach into the car and someone has access to your house as soon as you drive away. Finally, if you ever use valet parking, it is a good precaution to lock away the remote in the trunk or take it with you. If you have any envelopes, magazines, or documents in your car that include your address, that remote could be tempting for a not-so-honest car valet.
When it comes to home security, it makes sense to consider bringing in a professional. It is your family and your property at stake.
If they seem to be gone for good, you’re going to need a locksmith. Use a search engine (or the Yellow pages–yes they still exist) and look for ones in your area. Check to see that they are certified / licensed and insured. When you call them, be sure to ask for a written estimate. You don’t want to get sticker shock once everything is done and finished.
Also, when they arrive, ask for identification and the written estimate before you agree to any work. ID matters because you are effectively giving them access to your property and valuables. A little extra caution is a good thing.
Today’s blog talks about that mess of keys you have on your belt, in your purse, or hanging on the nest of hooks inside the basement door. It’s a pain to carry around or rifle through when you need a particular key. There is another problem with all those keys. Keys are easily stolen or lost; if they get lost with your ID, your house becomes a bunch of open doors.
Maybe it is time to realize that keeping a mess of keys is akin to still using a rotary phone. Technology has moved on; security is now more convenient and it also allows for greater security. Make an appointment to talk with a locksmith: there are so many new ways to handle security and access that don’t require a physical key. For example, new door locks can be accessed via entry pads that require a personal code. Most allow many individual codes that can be deleted or changed as needed. No more giving a key to a neighbor when you go away. Just add a new code for them to use while you are gone, and delete it when you return. Beyond the keyless entry pads, new smartphone apps can unlock your door when you approach the house. You don’t even need to remember a code if you don’t want to.
Check with a locksmith to learn how you can take your household security out of the 17th century. Like to see a specific example? Check out ENTR, a keyless lock from Mul-T-lock that can be accessed by smartphone, keypad, and biometrics (fingerprint).
Contact us at Valley Cycle Locksmiths