What is the value to you, a commercial property owner, in having a service contract with a locksmith?

What is the value to you, a commercial property owner, in having a service contract with a locksmith?
Locksmith services aren’t always top of mind for the manager of a commercial property. They are sort of like the fire department: you call them when something goes wrong. But does that make good economic sense? Those emergency calls are billed at premium rates, especially the after hours ones. And you’re not top priority if they are busy with a client they have services contract with.
Arranging a service contract with a certified locksmith can really help your bottom line. You get a predictable monthly fee, become top priority in an emergency, and you do away with premium priced calls. In addition, you may save money because services contract may include routine maintenance checks, so potential problems and liabilities can be discovered and repaired before they break and create troubles for you or your tenants.